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Who is a good candidate for all on 4 dental implants? in Antalya Dental Center-Clinic / Turkey

Adel Dental Clinic

Who should get all on 4 dental implants?

Who is a good candidate for all on 4 dental implants?

Many people who have lost teeth and want a permanent, practical, and attractive alternative may be good candidates for all on four dental implants. Here are some broad qualities that make a person a good candidate for All on 4 implants, while each situation is unique and necessitates a full evaluation by a dental professional:

  1. Significant Tooth Loss

All on four implants are the best option for people who have lost the majority or all of their teeth in one or both arches. A person becomes a prospective candidate for this procedure if they have several missing teeth, regardless of whether this is because of advanced dental decay, gum disease, trauma, or other circumstances.

  1. Adequate Jawbone Density

Successful implant placement depends on having adequate jawbone density. However, people with any degree of bone loss can also benefit from All on four implants. All on four implants are positioned at an angle to better use the bone that is already there and lessen the need for bone grafting treatments.

  1. Good Oral Health

Candidates for All on four implants should be in good oral health, with reasonably uninfected gums overall. Before having implant surgery, any dental conditions, such as tooth decay or gum disease, should be corrected.

  1. The General Health of Patient

For an implant surgery to be successful, overall good health is necessary. Candidates should have a generally healthy physical condition and be free of uncontrolled chronic diseases that might impede the healing process. During the evaluation procedure, it's crucial to tell your dental expert about any illnesses, drugs, or allergies.

  1. Commitment to Oral Hygiene

For All on 4 implants to last a long time, good oral hygiene habits are essential. Candidates must be dedicated to practicing good oral hygiene, which includes routinely brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.

  1. Realistic Expactation

Candidates for All on four implants should have reasonable expectations regarding the course of treatment and the end result. Understanding the restrictions and dangers is crucial despite the fact that All on four produces good functional and aesthetically pleasing results.

  1. Time Constraints

All on four dental implants can be an attractive option for individuals who want to achieve a fully restored smile in a shorter timeframe. Unlike traditional implant procedures that may require months of healing before attaching the final prosthesis, All on four implants often allow for immediate loading. This means that a temporary prosthesis is placed on the same day as the implant surgery, allowing patients to leave the dental office with functional teeth.

  1. Adequate Space for Implants

The size and contour of the implants and the denture should fit comfortably inside the patient's mouth

  1. No Smoking

In order to avoid implant failure and to improve the healing process, your dentist may advise quitting smoking before the treatment.

To find out if you are a good candidate for All on four dental implants, it is crucial to speak with a trained dental practitioner. They will assess your particular oral health condition, carry out the required imaging and tests, and then talk about the treatment alternatives most appropriate for your unique requirements and objectives.

If you have any questions you do not find here, please contact us.