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All on 6 Treatment in Antalya; How It is Done, Recovery, Cost in Dental Center Turkey

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All on 6 Dental Implant Surgery in Turkey

What are All on 6 dental implants?

A entire arch of teeth can be supported by six dental implants as part of the all-on-6 dental implant surgery. Compared to the All on four method, this technique offers more stability and support. A fixed prosthesis is connected to the implants, which are surgically inserted into the jawbone to create a set of non-removable teeth. In situations where bone augmentation is necessary, All on 6 implants may be used because they provide better load distribution. A thorough assessment, implant surgery, a recovery time, and the implantation of the permanent prosthesis are usually part of the therapy process.

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All on 6 dental implants have demonstrated long-term success and can offer a dependable method for replacing an entire arch of teeth. A dental expert should be consulted to ascertain whether All on 6 implants are a good option for you given your unique oral health and needs.

Who can have All on 6 dental implant surgery? Who is suitable for all on six?

People who have lost most or all of their teeth in one or both jaws and want a durable, solid, and dependable option to restore their smile and chewing function frequently get the All on 6 dental implant treatment advised. People


  1. Have poor dental health, decayed or damaged teeth, or severe gum disease that cannot be properly treated with conventional treatments may benefit most from the All on 6 procedure.
  2. Had substantial bone loss in the jaw as a result of using dentures or missing teeth.
  3. Want a fixed, permanent dental repair that behaves and feels much like your own teeth.
  4. Are prepared to commit to maintaining good oral hygiene habits and scheduling routine dental examinations in order to prolong the life of their All on 6 implants.

It's crucial to keep in mind that not everyone is a good candidate for All on 6 implants, and a comprehensive evaluation by a trained dental professional is required to identify the most suitable treatment alternatives for each unique situation.

While All on 6 dental implants can be a suitable treatment option for many individuals, there are certain circumstances where someone may not be an ideal candidate for this procedure. Here are some factors that may make someone a poor candidate for All on 6 dental implants:

  1. All on 6 implants require a certain amount of bone density and volume to provide adequate support and stability. If a candidate has severe bone loss in the jaw, it may not be possible to place the implants securely. In such cases, additional procedures like bone grafting or alternative treatment options may be necessary.
  2. Individuals with untreated dental issues, such as active gum disease (periodontitis), significant tooth decay, or infections, may need to address these conditions before undergoing All on 6 implant surgery. A healthy oral environment is crucial for the success of dental implants, so it's important to have good oral health before proceeding with the treatment.
  3. Certain systemic health conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or bleeding disorders, can affect the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Candidates with poorly controlled systemic health conditions may need to address those issues and achieve better health management before considering All on 6 implants.
  4. Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential for the long-term success of dental implants. If a candidate is unable or unwilling to commit to regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental cleanings, the risk of developing complications, such as peri-implantitis, increases. Poor oral hygiene habits can compromise the health and longevity of the implants.
  5. It's important for candidates to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of All on 6 dental implants. While this treatment can provide a stable and functional set of teeth, it's essential to understand the limitations and potential risks involved. Candidates who have unrealistic expectations or desire perfection beyond what is achievable may not be suitable candidates for this procedure.
  6. All on 6 dental implant treatment can be a significant investment. Candidates who are unable to afford the procedure or who do not have adequate dental insurance coverage may need to explore alternative treatment options that better align with their financial situation.

It's important to consult with a qualified dental professional who can thoroughly evaluate your specific case and determine your eligibility for All on 6 dental implants. They will consider your oral health, bone structure, overall health, and individual circumstances to recommend the most appropriate treatment options for your needs.

How to prepare for All on 6 dental implant surgery?

Before undergoing All on 6 dental implant surgery, there are several important do's and don'ts to follow. These guidelines are designed to help prepare you for the procedure and optimize the chances of a successful outcome. Here are some do's and don'ts to consider:

Do these;

  1. Educate yourself about the All on 6 implant procedure, its benefits, risks, and the expected recovery process. This will help you make informed decisions and understand what to expect.
  2. Schedule a consultation with a skilled and experienced dental professional who specializes in implant dentistry. They will evaluate your oral health, discuss your treatment options, and provide personalized recommendations.
  3. Your dental professional will provide specific instructions to follow before the surgery. These may include guidelines on fasting, medication adjustments, and any necessary dental preparations. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure optimal conditions for the procedure.
  4. Practice thorough oral hygiene by brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing daily. This helps reduce the risk of infection and ensures a clean oral environment for the implant surgery.
  5. If you smoke, it's advisable to quit before the surgery. Smoking can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Talk to your dental professional for guidance and support in quitting smoking.
  6. All on 6 implant surgery may require anesthesia, and you may feel groggy or disoriented afterward. Arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure and consider having a supportive person stay with you during the initial recovery period.

Don't do these:

  1. Address any existing oral health issues, such as gum disease or tooth decay, before the implant surgery. These conditions can compromise the success of the implants and increase the risk of complications.
  2. Avoid alcohol and caffeine intake for at least 24 hours before the surgery, as they can interfere with the effects of anesthesia and increase the risk of bleeding.
  3. Follow the fasting instructions provided by your dental professional. Typically, you'll be required to avoid eating or drinking anything (including water) for a certain period of time before the surgery to ensure an empty stomach.
  4. interfere with the procedure. It's important to be comfortable and have a clear and clean surgical area.
  5. Try to stay calm and relaxed before the surgery. Excessive stress and anxiety can affect your overall well-being and make the experience more challenging. If you feel anxious, discuss your concerns with your dental professional, who may provide strategies to help you relax.

It's important to closely follow the specific instructions provided by your dental professional, as they may have additional guidelines tailored to your individual needs. By adhering to these do's and don'ts, you can help ensure a smooth and successful All on 6 dental implant surgery and optimize your post-operative recovery.

How is done All on 6 dental implant surgery?

A fixed prosthesis supported by six dental implants can replace a complete arch of missing teeth using the All on 6 full-arch restoration technique. A sturdy and functioning set of teeth that closely resemble real teeth are produced by this treatment method. Here is how All on 6 dental implants function and how the process is carried out:

  1. Evaluation and Treatment Planning

Prior to the procedure, a dental expert with expertise in implant dentistry will do a thorough evaluation of you. To evaluate the health of your teeth, gums, and jawbone, a comprehensive examination, X-rays, and potentially a CT scan are part of this process. Your dentist will evaluate your candidacy for All on 6 implants and develop a customized treatment plan.

  1. Preparatory Procedures

The dentist will extract any natural teeth you still have if necessary as the first stage in the preparation process. To promote a healthy oral environment for the implants, they may also take care of any current oral health issues including infections or gum disease.

  1. Implant placement

To ensure your comfort throughout the treatment, you will be given anaesthetic on the day of the operation. Six dental implants will then be carefully positioned into the jawbone by the dentist. The implants, which act as anchors for the fixed prosthesis, are commonly constructed of biocompatible titanium and implanted into the bone.

  1. Temporary Prosthesis

Following the implantation of the implants, a temporary prosthesis is affixed to the implants (commonly referred to as a provisional denture or temporary bridge). Having teeth that are functional during the healing process and implant fusion with the jawbone is made possible by this temporary prosthesis.

  1. Osseointegration

The dental implants go through a process called osseointegration over the course of several months, during which they bond with the surrounding bone. The final prosthesis has a solid and long-lasting basis thanks to this integration.

  1. Final Prosthesis Placement

A specially created, permanent prosthesis is used to replace the temporary one once the implants have fully integrated. This prosthesis produces an aesthetically beautiful and useful result since it is made to mimic the size, shape, and color of real teeth.

Six implants are deliberately positioned in the jawbone as part of the All on 6 method, with two implants inserted near the front of the mouth and four implants toward the back. In cases of significant jawbone loss, this distribution maximizes the prosthesis's support and stability and lessens the need for subsequent bone grafting surgeries.

A qualified oral surgeon or implant dentist with experience in implant dentistry often performs the All on 6 dental implant surgery. Depending on the needs of each patient and the dentist's preferred methods, the procedure's specifics may change.


The All on 6 technique is a significant dental treatment that involves meticulous planning, surgical skill, and appropriate post-operative care to produce the best outcomes possible. As a result, it's essential to seek the advice of a trained dentist who specializes in implant dentistry to ascertain whether All on 6 dental implants are the best option for your individual dental needs.


How much is All on 6 dental implants cost in Turkey?

The cost of All on 6 dental implants in Turkey can vary depending on several factors, including the clinic or dental center you choose, the expertise of the dental professional, the materials used, and any additional procedures or treatments required. It's important to note that the following information is a general guideline, and actual prices may vary.

In Turkey, the cost of All on 6 dental implants typically ranges from $6,000 to $12,000 per arch. This cost usually includes the surgical procedure, implant placement, temporary prosthesis, and the final fixed prosthesis. It's important to inquire with the dental clinic to determine the specific services included in the cost estimate.

It's worth mentioning that these prices are generally more affordable compared to many other countries, which is one reason why Turkey has become a popular destination for dental tourism. However, it's crucial to carefully research and select a reputable dental clinic or center that maintains high standards of quality and patient care.

When considering the cost of All on 6 dental implants, it's essential to factor in additional expenses such as consultation fees, diagnostic tests (X-rays, CT scans), pre-operative assessments, post-operative medications, and any necessary follow-up visits. These costs may vary depending on the individual case and the specific requirements of each patient.

It's advisable to consult with multiple dental professionals or clinics to compare prices, services, and expertise before making a decision. Ensure that the chosen dental professional is experienced in performing All on 6 dental implant procedures and has a track record of successful outcomes.

Additionally, it's essential to consider the overall value and long-term benefits of All on 6 dental implants. While the initial cost may seem significant, these implants can provide a durable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing solution for missing teeth, potentially improving your oral health and quality of life in the long run.

Remember to discuss the cost, payment options, and any available financing plans with the dental clinic before proceeding with the treatment. Understanding the full financial aspect of the procedure will help you make an informed decision and ensure a smooth experience.

Is it safe to have All on 6 dental implant surgery in Turkey?

You can trust Turkish dentists for All on 6 implant surgery. Turkey has gained a reputation as a popular destination for dental tourism due to its high-quality dental care, experienced professionals, advanced technology, and competitive prices. Turkish dentists undergo rigorous education and training, often receiving their degrees from reputable universities both in Turkey and abroad. Many dental professionals in Turkey also participate in continuing education programs to stay updated with the latest advancements in dental implantology.

Turkey has a well-developed healthcare system, and dental clinics in major cities are equipped with modern facilities and adhere to international standards of hygiene and patient care. Many dental clinics in Turkey cater to international patients and offer services in multiple languages, ensuring effective communication and a comfortable experience.

To ensure a positive experience, it is important to research and select a reputable dental clinic or dental professional in Turkey. Look for clinics that have a track record of successful implant procedures, positive patient reviews, and certifications from recognized dental associations. It is also advisable to schedule a consultation or virtual meeting with the dental professional before proceeding with the treatment. This will allow you to discuss your concerns, ask questions, and gauge their expertise and professionalism.

Additionally, it can be helpful to seek recommendations from trusted sources, such as friends, family, or online dental communities, who have had personal experiences with dental treatment in Turkey.

By choosing a reputable dental professional and clinic, you can have confidence in the quality of care and expertise provided during your All on 6 implant surgery in Turkey. However, it is important to conduct thorough research, ask questions, and make an informed decision based on your individual needs and preferences.

How long do All on 6 dental implants last?

The lifespan of All on 6 dental implants can vary depending on various factors, including the patient's oral health, maintenance of oral hygiene, lifestyle habits, and the quality of the dental implants and restorations used. With proper care and regular dental check-ups, All on 6 dental implants have the potential to last for many years and even a lifetime. While it is challenging to provide an exact timeframe for the lifespan of All on 6 dental implants, studies and clinical data suggest that they can be long-lasting and durable. In general, the success rate and longevity of dental implants, including All on 6, are high. Reports indicate that the survival rate of dental implants after 10 years is around 90% or higher.

It is essential to remember that while All on 6 dental implants can be a long-lasting solution, they still require proper care and maintenance to ensure their longevity. Following the post-operative instructions provided by your dental professional, practicing good oral hygiene, and scheduling regular check-ups are key to maximizing the lifespan of your All on 6 dental implants.

It is important to note that individual experiences may vary, and there can be factors that influence the longevity of dental implants, such as:

  • Proper oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and professional cleanings, are essential for the long-term success of dental implants. Maintaining good oral hygiene helps prevent complications such as infection or peri-implantitis, which can impact the lifespan of the implants.
  • Certain lifestyle habits, such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption, can negatively affect the longevity of dental implants. These habits can impair the healing process, increase the risk of complications, and compromise the overall health of the implants.
  • The quality and quantity of the underlying jawbone play a crucial role in the long-term stability of dental implants. Adequate bone support is necessary for successful osseointegration, which is the process of the implants fusing with the jawbone. If there is significant bone loss or deterioration over time, it can affect the lifespan of the implants.
  • Routine follow-up visits with your dental professional are important to monitor the health and stability of your dental implants. Regular examinations and maintenance appointments allow early detection and treatment of any potential issues, which can help prolong the lifespan of the implants.

Is geting All on 6 dental implant surgery painful?

The experience of pain or discomfort during and after All on 6 dental implant surgery can vary from person to person. However, it is important to note that modern dental techniques, anesthesia, and pain management strategies are used to ensure a comfortable and relatively pain-free experience for patients.

During the surgical procedure:

  1. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the surgical area, ensuring that you do not feel any pain during the placement of dental implants. In some cases, additional sedation options, such as intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, may be available to help you remain relaxed and comfortable throughout the procedure.
  2. Minimal Discomfort: While you may experience some pressure or sensations during the surgery, the use of anesthesia and sedation techniques helps minimize any potential discomfort. Your dental professional will communicate with you throughout the procedure to ensure your comfort and address any concerns you may have.

After the surgical procedure:

  1. Post-operative Pain: After the All on 6 dental implant surgery, it is normal to experience some degree of discomfort, swelling, and mild pain. However, this can be managed effectively with pain medications prescribed by your dental professional. It is essential to follow their instructions regarding medication dosage and timing to alleviate any discomfort.
  2. Swelling and Discomfort: Swelling and mild discomfort around the surgical area are common after the procedure. Applying ice packs to the external areas of your face as directed by your dental professional can help reduce swelling and alleviate any discomfort.
  3. Recovery Period: The initial recovery period after All on 6 dental implant surgery usually lasts a few days to a week, during which you may experience some tenderness or sensitivity in the surgical area. Following proper post-operative care instructions, such as maintaining oral hygiene, adhering to a soft-food diet, and avoiding strenuous activities, will contribute to a smoother and more comfortable healing process.

It's important to communicate openly with your dental professional about your pain tolerance, concerns, and any questions you may have. They can provide you with personalized guidance, pain management strategies, and ensure your comfort throughout the entire process. Remember that every individual's experience is unique, and while some discomfort is normal, steps are taken to minimize pain and provide a comfortable treatment experience.

Can smokers have All on 6 dental implant surgery?

It is possible for smokers to have All on 6 dental implant surgery, even though it is typically advised that patients stop smoking before having dental implant surgery. Smoking, however, can have a detrimental effect on the success and long-term results of dental implant surgeries.

Smoking can hinder healing by decreasing the amount of blood and oxygen reaching the surgery site. This may lead to a slower rate of healing, a higher risk of infection, and a greater possibility of implant failure.

Smokers are more likely to get illnesses because smoking impairs their immune systems. Implant failure can result from infection that interferes with the dental implants' ability to integrate with the jawbone.

Smoking has been linked to a decrease in bone density and a slower rate of bone regrowth. For dental implants to be successful over the long term, adequate bone density and quality are essential.

Smoking increases the risk of gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, which can cause bone loss and jeopardize the stability of dental implants.

Given these dangers, it is strongly advised that smokers give up their habit before having All on 6 dental implant surgery. It can be beneficial to stop smoking at least a few weeks prior to surgery to increase the likelihood of success. Better healing, lower risk of problems, and improved long-term implant stability are all made possible as a result.

It's crucial to discuss your smoking habits with your dentist if you plan to undergo All on 6 dental implant surgery. They can offer advice on how to stop smoking, and they could suggest delaying the procedure until you have done so successfully.

Not only does giving up smoking increase the likelihood that dental implant surgery will be successful, but it also benefits both oral and total health. To improve your chances of successfully quitting smoking, it is beneficial to look for assistance from medical professionals, programs, and resources.

The choice to proceed with All on 6 dental implant surgery should ultimately be determined in consultation with your dentist, taking into account your general health, the state of your oral tissues, and any potential dangers related to smoking.

Why do my All on 6 dental implants hurt when I chew?

Experiencing pain or discomfort when chewing after All on 6 dental implant surgery can have various causes. While it is normal to experience some sensitivity or discomfort during the initial healing phase, persistent or worsening pain should be evaluated by your dental professional. Here are some possible reasons why you may be experiencing pain when chewing:

  1. After the All on 6 implant surgery, there is a healing period during which the implants integrate with the jawbone. It is common to experience some sensitivity or discomfort during this phase, especially when applying pressure while chewing. However, this discomfort should gradually improve over time as the healing progresses.
  2. If your bite is not properly aligned or the prosthetic teeth are not properly adjusted, it can result in imbalanced forces during chewing. This can lead to excessive pressure on specific areas, causing pain or discomfort. Your dental professional can evaluate your bite alignment and make any necessary adjustments to ensure proper occlusion.
  3. In some cases, implant complications such as implant failure, loose or fractured implant components, or infection can cause pain when chewing. These issues require immediate attention from your dental professional to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.
  4. Irritation or inflammation of the gums or soft tissues around the implant can cause discomfort during chewing. This can be due to factors such as poor oral hygiene, food debris accumulation, or improper cleaning techniques. Maintaining good oral hygiene and following the recommended cleaning regimen provided by your dental professional can help prevent gum irritation.
  5. Problems with the prosthetic teeth or the attachment of the prosthesis to the implants can cause discomfort during chewing. This can include issues like loose or ill-fitting dentures, fractured or damaged prosthetic components, or improper distribution of chewing forces. Your dental professional can assess the prosthetic structure and make any necessary adjustments or repairs.

It is important to communicate your symptoms and concerns with your dental professional. They will conduct a thorough examination, including a review of your implant placement, bite alignment, prosthetic components, and oral health. Based on the evaluation, they can determine the underlying cause of the pain and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Remember, each case is unique, and the specific cause of your discomfort can vary. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with your dental professional for an accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plan to address your specific situation.

What percent of All on 6 dental implants fail?

All on 6 dental implants often have a high success rate and a low failure rate. The success and failure rates, however, might vary based on a number of variables, including the specific patient, the dental professional's training and expertise, and the appropriate post-operative treatment.

Although it can be difficult to give a precise number, studies have shown that All on 6 dental implants have a success rate that ranges from 90% to 95% over a 5- to 10-year follow-up period. This indicates that most patients who have All on 6 implant surgery have successful results and gain the advantages of a stable and useful set of teeth.

Implant failure can be caused by a number of reasons, such as:

  1. The process of the implants joining with the jawbone is known as osseointegration. Failure of this procedure could result in implant failure. Smoking, certain medical problems, insufficient bone quality or quantity, and subpar surgical technique are some of the factors that can hinder osseointegration.
  2. The success of dental implants can be harmed by the presence of infection. If an infection is not appropriately managed, it might develop during or after implant surgery and result in implant failure.
  3. The inflammation and infection of the tissues around dental implants are symptoms of peri-implantitis. It can result in bone loss and implant failure if left untreated.
  4. Dental implants need to be successful in the long run, so it's important to maintain appropriate oral hygiene. The risk of implant failure might increase if proper oral hygiene routines including brushing, flossing, and regular dental appointments are neglected.
  5. Issues with the bite's alignment or the way chewing forces are distributed might place too much stress on the implants, potentially causing issues or implant failure.

It is crucial to remember that these risks can be reduced or completely avoided by choosing a qualified and experienced dental practitioner, adhering to post-operative care guidelines, practicing good oral hygiene, and going to routine dental checkups.

It is advised to speak with a dental expert who can examine your mouth, go through the dangers, and offer specialized information based on your particular situation if you want to know the precise success and failure rates for All on 6 dental implants in your case.

What to eat after All on 6 dental implant surgery?

After undergoing All on 6 dental implant surgery, it is important to follow specific dietary guidelines to promote proper healing and minimize any discomfort or complications. Here is a detailed guide on what to eat after All on 6 dental implant surgery:

    Foods:During the initial healing phase, stick to a soft food diet to avoid putting excessive pressure on the implants and surgical area. Some examples of soft foods include:
  • Soups (pureed or blended)
  • Mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes
  • Cooked vegetables (soft and well-cooked)
  • Scrambled eggs or omelets
  • Yogurt or soft cheeses
  • Cooked or canned fruits (without skin or seeds)
  • Smoothies or protein shakes
  • Oatmeal or porridge
  • Soft cooked pasta or noodles

    1. Nutrient-rich Foods:Focus on consuming foods that are nutrient-dense to support the healing process. Include foods from different food groups, such as:
  • Lean proteins: Soft-cooked chicken, fish, tofu, lentils, or beans.
  • Fruits and vegetables: Opt for cooked or canned varieties that are easy to chew.
  • Whole grains: Soft cooked rice, quinoa, or couscous.
  • Healthy fats: Avocados, nut butter, olive oil, or soft-cooked eggs.

    1. Cold Foods and Beverages:Cold foods and beverages can help alleviate swelling and provide relief. Enjoy:
  • Cold water or ice chips
  • Smoothies or milkshakes (avoid using a straw)
  • Cold yogurt or chilled soft fruits

    1. Avoid Hard, Crunchy, or Chewy Foods: It is crucial to avoid foods that can put strain on the implants or cause irritation to the surgical site. These include:
  • Hard candies or nuts
  • Chewy or sticky foods like caramel or taffy
  • Crunchy foods like chips or popcorn
  • Tough meats or jerky
  • Spicy or acidic foods that may irritate the gums

    1. Hydration:Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, but avoid using a straw during the initial healing phase to prevent dislodging the blood clot or causing complications.

      Gradual Transition to Solid Foods:As your healing progresses and your dental professional gives you the green light, you can gradually introduce more solid foods into your diet. Start with softer versions of foods and gradually progress to regular textures.

    It is important to follow the specific dietary instructions provided by your dental professional, as they may have additional recommendations based on your individual case. Maintain good oral hygiene by gently brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth with a prescribed mouthwash as instructed.

    Remember, the healing process can vary for each individual, so listen to your body and make adjustments to your diet as necessary. If you have any concerns or questions about your post-operative diet, consult your dental professional for personalized guidance.


    How much do All on Six implants price in Turkey?

    The price of All on 6 dental implants ranges from $6,000 to $12,000 per arch. The surgical procedure, implant implantation, interim prosthesis, and final fixed prosthesis are typically included in this cost. It's crucial to find out exactly which services are included in the pricing estimate by making an inquiry with the dental clinic.

    How long does all on 6 take?

    The average All On Six dental implant procedure lasts four hours.
    It takes two hours to place the temporary prosthesis on the upper jaw and two hours to place the temporary prosthesis on the lower jaw, for a total of four hours. after four hours.

    What is the all on six treatment?

    In an all-on-6 dental implant procedure, six dental implants can support a full arch of teeth.
    All-on-six dental implants have proven to be a dependable long-term solution for replacing a full dental arch.

    all-on-6 dental implants-before-after-turkey

    People who have lost all of their teeth may be candidates for the all-on-6 implant procedure. Six implants are positioned at various angles on the upper and lower jaw to support fixed prostheses during this dental implant procedure. Patients can regain their confidence in eating, speaking, and smiling by using this all-inclusive tooth replacement solution, which gives them a solid and functional set of teeth.

    How painful is all-on-6?

    During the entire six implant operation, there is no pain.
    The patient doesn't feel discomfort during the dental operations because the All On Six dental implant technique is carried out under local anaesthesia.
    After the implantation surgery, it is common to have mild pain. Your dentist can prescribe medicines to help manage this pain.

    Is all on 6 dental implants worth it?

    Yes it is worth it. Patients will benefit from a completely functional and aesthetically pleasing replacement tooth at the conclusion of their treatment.

    Which is better All-on-4 or 6?

    In terms of the process, the two treatment approaches are identical.
    All on four is more affordable than all on six; however all on six prostheses in the mouth are supported by six implants, the patient has greater ability to bite and chew than with all on four.

    How long does all on 6 last?

    All-on-six dental implants may last from 10 to 30 years, and even a lifetime, with appropriate maintenance and routine dental examinations.

    Is all on 6 better than all on 4?

    A complete dental arch is supported by six dental implants in an all on 6 surgery. So this method offers more stability and support than all on four treatment.

    How to clean an All on 6 Dental Implants?

    Oral and dental health are important considerations for patients receiving All-On-Six dental implants. Don't let them skip brushing their teeth twice a day for at least two minutes. As far as possible, they should avoid acidic beverages and use mouthwash with caution.

    Who is not suitable for All on Six Dental Implants?

    Patients with long-term medical issues including diabetes or high blood pressure should not use All-on-6 dental implants.

    If you have any questions you do not find here, please contact us.